Supervisor’s Office

Leigh Tracy
Township Supervisor
Hours & Contact Info:
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
PH (630) 879-1392
FAX (630) 879-1411
The Township Supervisor is the Chief Executive Officer of the Township and chairs the Township Board of Trustees. The Supervisor administers the General Assistance and Emergency Assistance programs. The Supervisor is also the treasurer of all Township and Road District funds. 60 ILCS 1/70-15
Batavia Township is a medium sized township with a population of about 35,000. We have about 13,800 parcels with an assessed valuation of $1,377,602,461. It is not completely clear what the actual date that the township was established but it was probably around 1850. It was in 1848 that the state constitution was passed allowing for township governments.
Townships are charged with 3 major duties by State Statute,
- Assessment of real property,
- Assistance to the indigent, and
- Maintenance of bridges and roads within the township not served by other agencies.
Townships are involved in many other activities such as youth programs and senior services. They serve an important role in referrals to other agencies for services not provided by the individual township.
Batavia Township started a Dial-a-ride program in 1970 with Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and eventually partnered with the City of Batavia. In 2007, the Ride-in Kane program was initiated as a 24/7 transportation program for seniors, disabled, and others. This program uses a Federal Grant and involves matching funds from the units of government involved. The rides can be on a subscription basis for work or dialysis, etc, or can be individual for doctor, shopping or other. The vehicles used are under contract and are dispatched from a center. These may be taxis, vans, or vehicles with lifts for handicapped individuals. After working out some bugs with the dispatch center, the program has been a success. There are currently 25 – 30 towns, townships, shelters and other social service agencies in the program in Kane County. The program was modeled after Ride Dupage.
The Batavia Township Highway Dept, in addition to road maintenance, construction of roads, and snow removal, also is involved with other programs. A brush pick-up program operates mainly on Mondays from April 15 to October 15. There is also a leaf pick-up program in the fall. The department will also deliver mulch when available and time allows. The department is involved with intergovernmental cooperation with other townships, the City of Batavia, and Kane County.
The General Assistance program is a State mandated program geared to provide assistance to individuals from 18 – 65 who do not qualify for other assistance programs. For those qualified, a monthly grant is provided to assist with food, shelter, utilities, etc. The program does not assist those with minor children as they are qualified for assistance under another State program.
Batavia Township is progressive, yet fiscally conservative. To find out more about township government, visit The Township Officials of Illinois website